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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good Friday

Wow! What can I say?! I can't believe it's finally the end. I know on
the calendar, we celebrated Good Friday yesterday. I must say,
yesterday was indeed a Good Friday that I will never forget. Graduating from
Full Sail University with my Master of Science degree has changed my life

I began the Entertainment Business Master of Science program in
January 2012. When I started, I had only dreams of being an
entrepreneur. This program forced me to stop dreaming, wake up and
make it happen. I learned so much from each and every class. From
operating in different styles of leadership, to creating a financial
pro forma for a business. I learned the details of a business plan,
how to write one and even how to properly gather a three year projected
financial proposal. I am so grateful that I learned the ins and outs of product and artist management. That is the segment of the industry that I have chosen to work in. The class and the assignments have me a heads up on what I should expect.

I cannot begin to explain my gratitude of every instructor, classmate,
advisor and tech support agent. Attending Full Sail University has
pushed me into an endless pool of networking opportunities. This non
traditional, real world school has prepared me for embarking in the
industry far more than I could have ever imagined or ever done on my

As a result of this program, I am now preparing for the official launch of my artist & musician entertainment company. This would all still be a dream if it wasn't for Full Sail University.

Now... It's "Go Time"

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