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About Me


Welcome to my world! My name is Loren C. Webb. I am resident of Charlotte, NC by way of Anchorage, AK. My heart is with music. My main instruments are drum set and voice. During my tenure at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Business and Technology with a concentration in Classical Voice.  I am currently a graduate school student at Full Sail University, pursuing my Master of Science degree in Entertainment Business.

I have always had a desire to be an entrepreneur. It wasn't until I, first handedly, witnessed the terrible business treatment to musicians that didn't have a solid business backing behinds them, to find out what it was that I wanted to do in the business industry. I remember telling my mother "Im so sick of people getting away with mishandling artists...I'm going to start my own business and help people in marketing, outsourcing and management..." She said to me, "That sounds cool, make it work.." Knowing that she believed in me pushes me daily, and if she was still here I know she would still have my back!

So, my goals in this industry are just that! Become a successful business tool in management, marketing and outsourcing for artists of any genre. I am excited about what life has ahead and I can't wait to take people that are a part of me team with me to the top!

For real Camille?? Absolutely!! Come Along!!

Loren C. Webb

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