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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Where Is Your Focus?

Where is your focus?

One of my favorite blog authors is Seth Godin. One of his latest blog posts was about people strategy. He talked about how the focus of any business should be reaching the “people.” When talking about marketing, much emphasis is placed on methods of marketing, and even more so, what different avenues are available for marketing. Seth brought out the point that behind all of these marketing strategies and marketing avenues remained only one thing, and that is “people.” Companies should make an effort to realign their focus on actually reaching and captivating the people, and not just being only visible, but tangible as well.

In my research on various ways of being sure to truly reach people through marketing, I came across an article that gave 5 ways to use social media to reach people who don’t use social media. The 5 steps are:

1)   Develop Relationships with People Who Bridge The Gap Inside Other Organizations
              Using vendors such as,, and RSS feeds allow one to be able to find    general areas of interest within their niche or community, and reach the necessary individuals as such.

2)   Use Web 2.0 Tools to Learn About Real Life Public Events
      Subscribing to a RSS feed reader that list relevant events allows one to come in contact with individuals that attend different events that are not usually advertised on main platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

3)   Make Your Blog an Email Newsletter and Promote it Elsewhere
      While there are many people who do not take the time to subscribe and/or read blogs, there is a platform entitled that allows one to submit their blog posts to reach non-bloggers via email blasts.

4)   Look Harder, Your Audience Probably is Using Social Media That You Aren't Aware Of  
             Marshall Kirkpatrick made a great reference to Just like, there are many other social media platforms that various individuals use on a daily basis, that are not as widely known as others. Kirkpatrick provided a website where one can see where their company or their industry is being discussed: Kingsley Joseph’s Social Media Firehose.

5)   Use the Internet to Make Yourself Smarter In Real Life

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