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Sunday, February 12, 2012

We've Lost Another Legend

We’ve Lost Another Legend

While many people are probably writing blogs, posts, tweets etc. about the late Whitney Houston, I would count it robbery, as a person in the entertainment field to not have words regarding her passing. As many know, Whitney Houston was considered one of the pioneers of pop music. Many artists from several genres recognize Houston for her talent, and those artists who know her personally recognize her for her warm heart. As I was watching CNN during the live coverage of her shocking passing, they had many interviews with various people from the industry on the line. The one that stood out the most to me was with Lionel Richie. He took time to plead that people understand the stress and heartache that comes with being an artist. He broke down the fact that it is such a struggle to go from being great to now struggling, not even touching on how the press slandered her with her drug struggle. It is my hope that new artists, artists who are already established, and even those who are not in the industry, take this horrific event as an eye opener.

One thing that Lionel said that stood out to me was “If you can imagine this, there used to be a time when all you had to do was survive your own craft; the press didn’t know anything about your personal life…Now every singe day there is a tweet, blog, blurb about some part of your personal life.” He went on to talk about how an artist is “a business of psych, how can we hold ourselves together and still maintain the voice, the psych, of who we are, and still maintain that?” It was not shocking to me to see that as soon as it was reported that she passed away, so many people went straight to discussing her past struggles. It saddens me many times to see how media now thrives off of the downfalls of people, more so than their upcoming. 

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