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Friday, May 10, 2013

Dreams Do Come True

I promised myself that I would be sure to do "big things" this year. By the grace of God, I have been able to accomplish just that. While going through my search for the right grad school to attend, I was looking for something that would assist me and push me into those dreams of success and being an impact on the entertainment industry, that I have always had. I quickly learned that Full Sail University was the one. During and after completing the Entertainment Business Master of Science Program, I was forced to finally stop dreaming, wake up, and make it happen.

I am so happy to have finally launched the new company, GPhLAT Entertainment. While it may just sound like a play on music terms (G Flat), it is quite intentional. One of my dreams has always been to own a company named after my family, operated by my family, in the industry that matters most to me.

GPhLAT stands for: Gary, Phyllis, Loren, Ashley, Tyler (My parents, myself, and my younger sisters.)
My sisters partnered with me to help make my dream a reality. I have the greatest team of people working with me that I could ever ask for.

As it applies in my life, the same can be for you and whatever your aspirations are. I had to learn that its wonderful to dream of success and being successful, but at some point, the dream has to end and you wake up to make it happen.

My friend posted today and said, "Hey, remember that guy that quit and gave up on his goals?? Neither does anyone keep going!!"

Be Intentional!