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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Change of Plans

Change of Plans

When I sat down to write this week’s blog, it took me the longest time trying to decide what to write about. I sorted through so much artist’s news and new entertainment industry happenings. I had finally thought that I had finally come up with the perfect topic, regarding the death of legendary Hip-Hop manager, Chris Lightly. As I began to write, a Time Warner Cable commercial came on the television. I realized that it was the commercial with young man being accepted to college. Every time this commercial comes on, I find myself stopping all that I am doing, to sing the commercial song. I finally decided that I had to find out who sings it and where I can buy it.

After many Google searches, I finally found my answer. The writer of this amazing sounding song is Chris Merritt. After coming across the link to his website, I learned that this Time Warner spot is a song that he still has not finished. While I was looking at his website, I came across so many people leaving him feedback on how much they enjoy that song and begging him to complete it and put it on an album. I was amazed to find that he has several mp3 available for download on his website, but yet the majority of his recognition came straight from this commercial spot. That is indeed a major plug for new music and artistry. I am not certain how he was afforded the opportunity to land a spot for such a major company, so definitely kudos to whomever made it possible.

This concept reminded me of another indie artist that began by commercial spots. I first heard of Priscilla Renae on a McDonalds commercial. Just like with Chris, I searched all over trying to find out who the artist was and where I could find the song.

I searched all over the Internet for the commercial so that I could share it with you. Unfortunately the song was only written for the commercial, and it, including the video of the commercial is unavailable to the public.