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Monday, March 19, 2012

iTunes vs. Spotify

iTunes vs. Spotify

Today I ran across an article regarding the new music streaming service, Spotify. The article was discussing the assumption that Spotify will overtake iTunes within two years. If you were to ask me to describe/explain Spotify, I would say that it is a mix between iTunes, Naptser, and Pandora. Now, I am not sure if I agree with the prediction that Spotify will overtake iTunes, however, I would not doubt if it came close. I had to look at this from a personal standpoint first. Over the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that I hardly ever open my iTunes anymore; I am always using Spotify. What drew me to this new application was the Pandora-type feature. I do feel that Spotify can easily overtake Pandora within the next two years. At the same time, there are some individuals who genuinely love the idea that they can search an artist name and create a station of all similarities. I on the other hand love the fact that I can use Spotify to  search an artist name and pull up all of their music.

Because my entertainment industry of interest is artist management, I believe that this new application will cause a bit of up rise within music artists, if it hasn’t already done so. After downloading Spotify, I learned that one is able to search an artists’ name, create a playlist of all the music they like from that artist, then have it available to them, ready to play at any time. This came as a shock to me, simply because of all the artists that I searched, the returned results were all updated. For example, the same day Robert Glasper’s new album “Black Radio” was released, it was available on Spotify. I believe that this can cause artist to lose out on money from CD sales. While I did not find an option to burn music to CD, subscribers to have the option to access the mobile apps and have their same playlists with them wherever they go.